Archive | April 2014

Surviving the Applewhites If I Like It Or Not

I think that I might like the book Surviving the Applewhites. It is an unique and interesting book so far. There are a couple of different subjects that I don’t normally read books about, for example smoking, but it might just be a minor part of the book. I think characters that having interesting names, like E.D., normally turn out to be the most interesting. So, I will pay attention to see if that is true in this book. Also,in this book the Applewhites have their own little school/ public school which is different from most schools. I think seeing how the school changes with Jake Semple in it and also how he might change will be entertaining to read about.

What is Passion?

Your passion drives you to keep going. It is like having an extra gene where it decides what you love and what you care about. Passion is like your fantasy life path, it can play roles in what your dream career is, or what your dream family is like. I believe passion is one of the top most important things in your life, and as long as you follow it and try hard you can accomplish anything.

Passion relates to genius hour by it is what you care about so, it gives you ideas on what a fun project could be for yourself. Without passion your project wouldn’t be fun and interesting to you. Your passion is the spark in your project, the little thing that makes it unique and interesting. It is what makes it feel like you accomplished something important and that feeling makes you want to keep going. That feeling is special and is worth more than all of the money in the world.